Animated Skills Section


C++ Python C Java Unreal Engine OpenGL GLSL Blender Visual Studio Visual Studio Code CLion JetBrains Rider NumPy Pandas SciKit Learn Matplotlib TensorFlow Keras PyTorch Git GitHub GitLab Perforce
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About Me

A Game Developer with a Passion for Unreal Engine, C++, AI, and GPU Technology.

As a game developer, I thrive on creating immersive and engaging experiences using Unreal Engine. With a strong foundation in C++ and Blueprints, I have developed several projects that showcase my expertise in game design, programming, and asset creation.

Driven by a curiosity for emerging technologies, I have cultivated a strong passion for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). I have a solid understanding of Python and have applied ML techniques to various projects, demonstrating my ability to integrate intelligent systems into game development.

With a keen interest in GPU technology and 3D graphics, including knowledge of OpenGL, I am driven to push the boundaries of visual fidelity and performance in the domain of 3D programming.


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Get in Touch

Bangalore, India

+91 7976128772

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